Why we started OZU Friends and Family Beta

Filmmakers see the world differently

So should AI
Introducing OZU

Fluent in Film

Lighting. Color. Framing. Angle. Composition. Shot Type.

OZU speaks your language.

Use natural language scene descriptions combined with our powerful tagging system to find your shot.
Share images and shots with OZU and ask for what's similar.
Precord your videos to create instant rough cuts and find the shots and stories you're looking for.

Add Some Character

People are the heart of stories.
Now you can find them on screen and off.

Customize OZU to work for your story - searching for the expressions, moods, relationships, and scenes that matter to you.
Show me all the shots with Character X. Show me all the shots where they talk about Y.
Combine search features like cinematic tags and terms, natural language scene descriptions, dialogue search, similarity search, with characters and expression.
Think aloud with your footage.

Control the Chaos




Coming Soon.

Join the friends and family launch.

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